Saturday, November 3, 2007

You've come a long way, Baby!

Elvis turns 5 today! I haven't known him quite 5 years yet. His mom was placed here when he was two months old and still in NICU. We spent the next two months driving back and forth to his hospital. Finally, on his 4 month birthday, we brought him home. His life hasn't been easy and it never will be. In his five years, he's dealt with PVL, CP, reflux, seizures, low blood sugar, asthma, ROP, RSV, MRSA, and whole bunch of other letters I'd rather not remember right now. His doctor says he'll never be "functionally ambulatory" - fancy doctor talk for he won't walk. So what if he won't walk? We'll get him the fastest, shiniest red wheelchair and help him face life on his own terms. He is one well-loved little boy. I'm blessed to have him in my life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Elvis! He's lucky to have you as his grandmother.