Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Looking on the bright side

Despite all the crap in my life these days, some good things are happening, too.

A week ago, my brother graduated from nursing school! He skipped his actual graduation but the whole family went to his pinning the night before. It was a lovely ceremony and my brother was even a speaker. He was, evidently, quite the presence in his classes, as a few of the other speakers mentioned him by name during their speeches. And, never one to risk being boring, he gave the interim director of the nursing program a little surprise after she pinned him...

And, in Elvis news, I survived his IEP meeting yesterday! For those who have never had a kid in special ed and never had to sit through meeting after meeting of professionals telling you everything that's wrong with your kid, you'll never understand the feeling of relief when you can survive a meeting without crying before, during, and/or after. Well, I did it yesterday! I'd gotten a heads up last Friday that this meeting was going to be okay but I can't relax until it's actually over. The special ed class that Elvis has been a part of this year is moving to another school next year. A school quite far from both my home and my school. However, my principal agreed to let Elvis continue attending my school! He's going to be based in a regular kindergarten class and spend an hour and 45 minutes a day with a resource teacher. They doubled the amount of speech therapy he got this year AND gave him a full-time assistant. I didn't ask for any of this. They just offered it all. If I could have written up my dream placement for him, this would have been it. And I didn't have to ask for any of it...they just offered it!

So Elvis is going to real kindergarten in the fall. I hope they are ready for him and his attitude!


Kath said...

Yay Elvis!! (Long time lurker never commented.)

I was wondering, and of course, you don't have to answer this at all if it's too personal, but does Elvis have CP? My cousin has CP, and I thought I recognised a few things in the gorgeous pictures of Elvis.

Jane said...

Yes, Elvis is considered to have spastic quadraparesis - meaning all 4 limbs are affected. He was born at 26 weeks gestation and his lungs weren't mature enough to deliver oxygen to all parts of his brain.

Tudu said...

I am so glad your IEP meeting went better than mine did. I look forward to them for a few of my kids but a couple of the other ones send me into a frenzy for days before and after.