Sunday, May 4, 2008

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Stressful times around the house this weekend. It should be lovely and peaceful with Cori gone but, instead, I am so angry with one of my kids that I can't even blog about it yet. I'm not just angry, I'm shocked and disappointed and incredibly sad. I've come to the conclusion that no matter what I do, these kids are predestined to continue their streak of monumental screw-ups. Is it genetics? Is it the 13-15 years of living with bios before getting to me? Is it me? I wish I knew.

Give me a few hours/days of meditation, deep breathing exercises, antidepressants, and moping and I'll update you. No one is dead, dying, or in jail. I guess that's the bright side? I'm trying very hard to find one right now.


Mongoose said...

Maybe it's just the fact that they're human and they have free will, and only they have any control over their own choices, no matter how much others try.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it IS you.

Kimmah said...

I am not surprised in the slightest, sadly. And I also will not be surprised when you don't get your rent on time and when they move out with no warning.