Sunday, August 24, 2008

Just the way I wanted it to go

I had a nice, boring weekend. I loved it. I went to get my hair trimmed yesterday morning. Since I've been growing my hair out the last couple of years for donations, this is something I'm having trouble remembering to do. My hair had gotten a little scraggly since I donated in July. Alli and Boy Wonder took off early Saturday morning to spend time with his father. Beth was supposed to watch Elvis while I got my hair cut. However, she wasn't up when it was time for me to leave. Elvis went with me. We got to the salon at exactly the right time. The stylist was 30 minutes late. Once she got there, she got me trimmed and Elvis and I were on our way.

I dropped him at home with Beth while I made a quick run to Aldi - my favorite, cheap grocery. It's not a big store and I haven't mastered pushing a shopping cart and Elvis' wheelchair through there by myself. And the checkout lanes tend to be backed up and Elvis is just in the way at that point. He and Beth ate a late breakfast while I did the shopping.

When I got home, I pulled the van up near the front door to make unloading the groceries a little easier. I didn't think about the vicious wasps in our front yard when I did this. As soon as I turned the engine off, I was swarmed by several wasps. They continued to circle me, waiting to attack when I opened the door. I finally pulled into the driveway, well out of the territory being guarded by the wasps, and took the groceries around the house and into the back door. It was a pain in the a$$ but better than a pain from being stung. (Last week's sting in still quite itchy.)

I spent the rest of my Saturday doing things for school. Our state has new curriculum standards that we have to start using next year. Our group decided to start using them this year. We have to document what standards we are teaching in our lesson plan books. The easiest way for me to do this is by printing the standards out onto tiny return address labels. I can then "peel and stick" them into my plan book. I lost count of the number of hours I spent this weekend typing and printing those little boogers. I do think I'm done, though.

I finished my marathon Netflix movie - The Tenth Kingdom. It was okay. I'm not sure it was worth seven hours of my time but I liked it. It does feel good to have finished it and to get them back in the mailbox in the morning.

My mom came by this afternoon with two cans of wasp spray. I thanked her for the toxic chemicals but refused her offer to climb up a ladder and spray the nest herself. They weren't out in the open today -maybe because it had been raining, but I did spray quite a bit of the stuff into the area where they seem to hang out. If the exterminator calls me back, I'm going ask him to hold off until I see if this fixes my problem. That would save me a lot of money.

Now, I'm trying to get myself back into the mindset of school. I'm not dreading going back so I guess that's a good thing. The days are busy but the kids are getting into the routine. That makes things so much easier. We don't have anything weird this week that I know of. School during the day. No after school or night time appointments. I hope it goes well (and speeds by - LOL! Next weekend is a long one!).

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