Saturday, August 16, 2008

The price of help

Of her own accord, Alli has been getting up in the mornings and getting Elvis ready for school. (I'd planned to require this of her but she offered before I could tell her.) Really, it's the least she can do. It takes her about 20 minutes and then she's free for the day. A pretty good deal, I'd say. If you have any questions about what she does to get him ready in the mornings, just look at the picture below. And remember it was taken about 8:30 on Friday night (and it's after 10:00 Saturday morning and it still looks the same).

I'll start the tour at the bottom and move clock-wise.
~ bag of Cheetos she gave him as a snack Wednesday night
~ orange towel from his bath... Wednesday night
~ pajama bottoms he slept in Wednesday night
~ diaper he slept in Wednesday night (she removed Thursday morning)
~ (in chair) diaper he slept in Thursday night (she removed Friday morning)
~ (arm of chair) Pediasure can she gave him for breakfast Friday morning
~ chocolate milk bottle she gave him for snack Wednesday night
~ bottle of extra strength Excedrin (which I don't own but could probably use)
~ (other arm) bottle of water used to rinse his toothbrush Friday morning
~ pajamas he slept in Thursday night
~ (floor by backpack) toothpaste tube - used Friday morning
~ top to chocolate milk bottle from Wednesday night and that brings us back to
~ striped pajama top from Wednesday night (on the floor)
So, she's helping...but at the expense of my house. I'm no where near to being one of those people who have a spotless house, (people who know me IRL are laughing hysterically at that thought) but I do generally pick up after myself. I was just struck by how well that scene around the chair captured her helping with Elvis. I do appreciate her doing that. I just need to get her to pick up after herself along the way.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should tape this picture to her door. Since you have to look at it, she should too. I'm happy to help enlarge:)


momma-o-minnie said...

I'd say tape it to her door, too, along with the list you post of all the things she's left out while "helping". Then post a request that she "help" in her apartment, not your home, so that this mess is confined to her space not yours.