Thursday, September 25, 2008

High-Tech Gesundheit

Beth has sneezed every morning this week between 6:25 and 6:30. I know - weird, huh? Anyway, I'm in my room getting ready. She's down the (short) hall in her room getting ready. For me to say, "Bless you," loud enough for her to hear me, I'd have to yell. Which, I'd ordinarily do. (It's a thing with me. I'd say 90% of my foster kids came to me without knowing it was the polite thing to say that when someone sneezes. I try to teach that by example.)

However, Elvis is still snoozing in his toddler bed at that time. In order for my morning to go smoothly, I need him to remain snoozing in his toddler bed. If he gets up early, I don't get ready in time. So, I can't yell Gesundheit. So, like a modern mom, I've texted it to her each morning. It's become funny as the week has gone along.

Kids today - you connect with them any way you can, even if you have to text "Gesundheit" to your daughter every morning before 6:31.

In other news, I've had a stressful week at school. One of my students made a dangerous choice this week. I wasn't involved but the parents are (understandably) upset. Our school administrators have been out of pocket at a conference this week, further frustrating the parents. We have a meeting set up for tomorrow after school. It will be me, the parents, and the principal. I'm not overly concerned. This had absolutely nothing to do with me, but I really dislike any confrontation so I'm really dreading this meeting. It's killed me that it happened on Monday and we've had to wait until after school on Friday to talk it all out. If you are so inclined, I'd appreciate any prayers or positive thoughts you could head my way about 3:30 Friday afternoon. I will update and give more details when it's all settled.


Tudu said...

Did they hang you at the meeting? Were you taken to jail? Are you out of gas and stuck somewhere needing help but can't get to the computer to tell us where you are? Did BW get a job and you all are having a week long celebration? Please update soon and put all these nasty rumors to rest.

Jane said...

Sorry for the absence. All is basically well. The meeting went fine. The parents just needed to vent. I'll post about life in a minute.