Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A little late

but Happy Veteran's Day to all. It's so easy to get caught up in my everyday life and not remember that I owe my freedom to those who were willing and able to serve.

So, my love and HUGE thanks to:

My big brother - I love ya! You are the best!

The FL branch of my family - Thanks for continuing to serve! I'm so proud of all 4 of you! (And, please come home for Thanksgiving...please!)

My adopted soldiers (Randy, Omar, and Shane) and their families - I've never met you in real life but you are appreciated.

Lynn's husband (why have we given him no blog name??) - He lost his dad in Vietnam and was still willing to serve himself. Thanks!

"G" (the husband of my girls' bio cousin) - He's being deployed (for the second time) in the next few weeks. Stay safe and rest assured that we'll help keep an eye on your family.

And, to all the others - THANKS! My "thanks" seems so insignificant for all you have given and continue to give.

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