Friday, May 29, 2009

Endings, Beginnings...

It's that time of year when some things come to an end and other things are only beginning. The school year ended yesterday. The kids came just for a few minutes - grabbed their report cards and left. It's usually bittersweet but this year I was just ready for it to be over. I liked my class but it was a stressful year (both at home and at school) and I was just ready for the end. As of noon yesterday, I'm officially on summer break. I'm off work until July 23. It will be a busy summer. Elvis has one surgery scheduled for the end of June and many, many other appointments (speech therapy, neurosurgery consults, etc.) so I'll be busy but I can handle that.

Beth graduated from high school Tuesday night. She got her diploma and everything. She's been with me just over 5 years and there were many, many times over those 5 years that I didn't think she'd ever graduate. I'm proud of her for sticking with it and graduating. With that ending comes a new beginning. She's officially moved in with her boyfriend. While I wish she hadn't been in such a hurry, she's old enough to make that choice. Of course, she left almost all of her stuff here. So she's making a new start and I've got a room full of her stuff and no idea what to do with it all.

It's also time for an ending with Alli and Boy Wonder. Two weeks ago he snapped and came into my bedroom waving his arms, cussing me, and making some threats. All because I'd had a conversation with Alli about the ethics of raising kids on welfare. That one action on his part was a loud, clear message to me that they needed to move on. I will NOT be threatened in my home. I will not be afraid to live in my own home. I've not given them a time frame yet but it's coming. It's time for a new beginning for them to learn to live on their own. The new beginning for me will be to learn to live alone. It will be an adjustment but it will be a peaceful one and I think I'm ready for it. I'm not naive enough to think it won't hurt when Alli leaves. I just think the relief of being free from BW's outbursts will be worth it.

So, the summer of 2009 will be one of endings and beginnings...some good and some painful. I'm just glad it's starting because the sooner it starts, the sooner it's all done. It's time. We all know it.

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