Saturday, May 23, 2009

Holy Bat-Retirement!

Our Batman is retiring. He called the faculty and staff together Thursday afternoon to tell us. I've been expecting him to retire at the end of every one of the past 5 years. This year, however, I'd never even considered it. He's had, what appears to me anyway, a great year - maybe one of his best. I'm going to miss him. He kept the school running without trying to micromanage all the details. He trusted us to do our jobs and we knew - with 100% certainty, he had our backs when we needed him.

I don't do well with change and transitions. I'll spend my summer wondering who will take his place and what the new school year (with a new "Batman") will be like.


EasterApril said...

I'll be thinking of you during this time of transition. My "Batman" retired 7 years ago and we went through two total whack jobs before a good principal came along.

BTW, I finished all 4 Twilight books - you were right, they are wonderful. In fact, I've read the 4th one about 3 times so far.


Jane said...

I'd like to skip the two whack jobs and go straight to our next good principal - LOL! If our assistant principal gets the job, we'll be ok. It will be a huge transistion but at least she's a known quantity. I'll still miss Batman.

See, I told you they were great books. They just suck you in more than most books. The New Moon movie is due out in November. The movies aren't as good as the books but still fun to watch.