Monday, February 4, 2008

I survived Monday!

And it wasn't too bad. School went okay. The teachers on my hall all seemed to know what had happened. Teachers on other halls seemed to think I'd been sick. I let them go on believing that. I got a few "I'm so sorrys" and a few "I'm praying for yous" but they were from people I like and who I believe are sincere.

My students were thrilled to have me back. I missed seven days of school. I've never done that in 13 years of teaching. (I don't regret taking that time off, though, because I needed it.) We quickly got back into our routine and the day went well. They were more inquisitive about my absences than I expected. I really thought I could just say my daughter was sick and in the hospital and they'd be fine. Instead, they wanted to know what she had. I just brushed them off as best I could because I couldn't answer them truthfully.

I'm working again tomorrow and then I'm off on Wednesday to go with Alli to her check up. I'm not sending her into that office full of pregnant women alone. And, I have some questions for the doctor - about things like birth control, that I want to hear the answers to. She also had an abnormal pap smear at the beginning of the pregnancy. I want to know about the follow up for that, too. After the doctor visit, I'm hoping we can have a little fun. Maybe Chinese food for lunch and an afternoon movie before rounding up the others from school.

Cori had been in school less than two hours today before her assistant principal was calling me. She'd violated dress code by wearing her nose ring to class. She's had that since she came back to me. She's never worn it to school before last week. She just can't handle the drama not being about her and is pushing every limit. Time is quickly coming for her to move on.

I didn't make it to the funeral home for the 18 year old sister of my former students. I pulled into the funeral home driveway twice this afternoon but just couldn't go in. It's too soon to be anywhere near another dead child. I'll send a nice note to the little ones and let it be. That is the best I can do this week. I hope they will understand. Under normal circumstances, I'd have been the first one through the door this afternoon. My life is anything but normal circumstances right now.

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