Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I resisted!

DCS called my cell while I was on the home phone with the drunk carpenter. They then beeped into my home phone but I didn't answer. I finished the conversation (about needing to buy something else, of course) and then checked the voicemail on my cell. The call was from a placement worker two counties away. All the message said was she was trying to place a child. I didn't call her back. It wasn't hard, really. Wednesday is juvenile court here and that's when all the teens removed on unruly charges have to be placed.

We ate dinner and the phone rang again. By now, it was well after 6:00. I answered the phone, listened to her sales pitch, and was able to turn her down! Go me! She was looking to place a 16 year old girl with a criminal history that horrified me. She had domestic assault charges from beating up her mom when she was 12. Almost every crime was represented during the explanation of this child's history.

I just can't go there again, especially right now. There are too many things going on in my life. I'll pray for the child and hope she finds a home that can meet her needs. But, I'm going to bed tonight relieved that she's not my responsibility. Now, if the call had been for a 7 year old girl...

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