Tuesday, April 22, 2008

No gunshots yet

Beth went back to school today. She said everybody was back. The law enforcement presence was greatly reduced. In fact, I didn't see any when I dropped her off this morning. The cop at her school told the students that just because we didn't see them, it didn't mean they weren't there. Yeah, right. That one school-cop was on his own today, I'm sure.

There are still all sorts of rumors flying. Beth got four texts this afternoon telling her not to come to school tomorrow. Our janitor's kids (who go to the other big high school) heard that Friday is going to be "the day." What can we do? All I can come up with is send her to school and pray, pray, pray!

Cori (who is a little bummed that her school doesn't have the threat of gang violence) is, of course, seeking attention in other ways. Today's drama is that she misses her bio mom. I'm sure she does, but there is nothing I can do about that. She's been dead for years. I take her to the cemetery whenever she wants. She has free reign to visit her grandmothers when ever she wants. She attends grief counseling. I sat and listened to her this evening. I offered whatever consolation I could come up with. She stopped talking. I went on with my chores. She yelled loudly that I didn't care and ran out of the house, slamming the door behind her. I have to admit her actions made me care less...

Alli and Boy Wonder are plugging along. I see little drama between them. They are helpful and polite. They are making some interesting financial decisions but as long as rent is paid on time, I'm staying out of it. We are still struggling with our roles in caring for Elvis. We'll work it out. It will take some time. Alli is working on getting readmitted to our local community college and getting financial aid worked out. She wants to take the EMT classes they offer. I've offered assistance with writing the letter they require to readmit her but I'm leaving the rest to her. We'll see how it turns out.

Seems like that's all we do these days - wait and see how things turn out. I've always been a planner. I love lists. I make lists. I do what's on the lists. I mark them off. The last few months, no matter how many lists I make, things happen that aren't on my list. We've made it though, so I guess it's not the end of the world. It's just not following my plan. I'm trying my best to roll with it, even though I'm not generally known for my ability to just go with the flow.


Kimmah said...

Maybe Cori can start up her own gang at school? We have such an urban influence and all, lmao.

Don't forget to ask BW about my patio. How much is concrete a yard and do they ever put it on sale, lmao?

Wanna go to Target at the butt crack of dawn Saturday and spend some tax-free dollars? I've heard tell that they have more polo options now.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's it. The RGLBTA (Rural Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transexual Alliance).