Saturday, June 28, 2008

Camp Rock

Just when I'm beginning to accept that Beth is grown, she makes a u-turn and becomes a kid again. Her entire day today has been planned around the Disney Channel's airing of the movie, "Camp Rock." Seriously...She is home with me on a Saturday night because Camp Rock was coming on at 7:00. She even went to the mall this afternoon with BFF only after asking me several times if I'd pick her up in time to come home and watch this movie. I'm not complaining. I'm actually enjoying this brief trip back in time. I know it won't last. Next time I walk through the den she'll no doubt be watching some trash on MTV.

I watched Camp Rock with her tonight. It's basically a knock-off version of High School Musical. Same basic plot. Same basic characters. Not as good, though, because I LOVE HSM. Yes, I'm 40 years old and will watch HSM 1 or 2 anytime I'm flipping channels and see it on.

However, the "hot" guy in Camp Rock is Joe Jonas of the Jonas Brothers Band. I just don't get the draw to him. You can see a picture of him here. I think it's his hair that bothers me. I think it looks a lot like Carol's hair on the Brady Bunch. Anyway, I couldn't really think about enjoying the movie because I looking at him and thinking he's a goth version of Mrs. Brady? I'd hoped the 70s shag haircuts were a thing of, well, the 70s. I understand about retro being cool but that hair shall never, never, never be cool again. Perhaps someone should tell Joe Jonas?

1 comment:

Tudu said...

I tried to watch the movie with the kids b/c I love the tweenie movies. They all crowded on my bed and at some point I fell asleep and began snoring, they left me and watched it in the Living Room. I agree, it wasn't as good.