Sunday, December 28, 2008


Compared to this, suddenly my Christmas wasn't so bad. I guess there is some truth to the point that, no matter how hard your life is, there is always someone out there whose life is even harder.

I'm less than 50 pages from the end of Breaking Dawn (Twilight, book 4). I'm practicing incredible restraint to still have pages to read. I want it to last forever! It's actually something of a miracle that I'm not already through.

I laid down with Elvis last night to get him to sleep. He would NOT go to sleep. He wasn't cranky and he seemed tired but he just wouldn't give it up and go to sleep. I finally turned the light back on and gave him a favorite toy to wave around for a while. I read while he played. I made myself stop before I finished the book. I tried again to get him to sleep but he was still resistant. At this point, it was nearing midnight and I dozed off waiting for him to sleep. At 12:17, he woke me with a seizure. Needless to say it was almost 1:00 AM before he was in bed for the night (morning?). And, at that point, I was WIDE awake. I resisted the urge to finish the book, though. I got up and played online until I was ready to sleep. And now, as soon as I finish the week's menu and shopping list, I'm going back to bed and finish my book. Farewell Bella, Edward, Jacob, Alice, and all my other new found vampire and werewolf friends. Thanks for the memories. And, Stephenie Meyer, GET BUSY WRITING MIDNIGHT SUN!! I need it!

1 comment:

Tudu said...

That story is heart wrenching.