Beth started her training at work today. She called when she was ready to leave and I left the house to go get her. I hopped in the van and it wouldn't start! Horrors! I knew my mom and brother were going to dinner about that time, so I called Mom to see where they might be. She was still at home but told me my brother had just left his house on the way to hers. Luckily, my brother lives near Beth's new job. He turned around and headed to pick her up. I started cleaning some crap out of my van so the mechanic wouldn't know how nasty we can be. When the interior light went out, I put the key back in the ignition, trying to get it turned back on. Wouldn't you know, the van started! My brother said it sounded like a battery problem. I told him I could get Beth and thanked him for his help.
I went on and got Beth and headed towards the pharmacy. (I'd picked up one of Elvis' seizure meds last night and noticed there was a piece of paper floating in it. YUCK! I needed to return it ASAP.) Beth sat in the van so I left it running so there wouldn't be a worry of it not starting back. While I was inside, she called Spider-Pig who told her he could replace my battery. He did! He went to an auto parts store and bought the battery. I paid him for the battery and gave him extra for his time, even though he said I didn't need to. I assured him I appreciated the effort and it was nice to know my van was going to start in the morning and I didn't have to deal with going to the mechanic.
Thanks, Spider-Pig!
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