Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby Blair

We are fast approaching what I guess can only be described as Blair's first birthday...which is also the first anniversary of her death. Emotions are running high around here. We are each handling the event in our own way.

In honor of the one-year anniversary of the birth and death of our baby, you are getting a present. Well, not actually a present but definitely a first for my blog. For a very limited time, the montage of all things related to Blair will be at the end of this post. You'll see pictures of most of the characters from my blog. There they are in all their glory - Alli, Beth, Boy Wonder, and, of course, Elvis. Luckily for you, I am not in the montage. (I took most of the pictures.) So, if you happen to be reading and the video is still below, feel free to watch and meet the crew. I don't plan to leave it up for much more than 24 hours, so be quick.
I took the video down but added this picture. It's one of my favorites from our one day with Blair.


Unknown said...

Blair was beautiful.I am so very sorry for your loss.

Mongoose said...

I only watched the first few slides because I know I'm not comfortable with very premature babies, but I was really glad to see Elvis. He is absolutely nothing like the mental image I had of him. What a cutie!!!

I am sorry for your loss.

Debbie said...

This is a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl and her family. I found your blog right after Blair was born and was immediately drawn to it because my oldest daughter passed away the day after she was born many years ago. You've done a beautiful job of putting some of her memories together.

Lori & Family said...

What a great tribute to Baby Blair and Elvis is a doll.

MammaT said...

Your family is beautiful. Your grandchildren are beutiful.

Juicebox.mom said...

What beautiful children and grandchildren!!

momma-o-minnie said...

Well, I cried... again. You did a good job putting it together and sharing Blair with the world. How are you holding up inside? My prayers are with you... and the girls.