Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hi. Remember me?

I used to blog here. I don't know why I stopped. God knows I have plenty to blog about. I've blogged in my head a lot. Too bad you can't read my mind. Then I could just skip this step.

I'm here. I'm alive. All is well....well, as well as it can be in my life. Alli's still pregnant. Boy Wonder is employed. Beth is in school and employed. Aside from a seizure late last night, Elvis has been relatively healthy.

I just survived one of the longest work weeks of the school year. Thursday we had parent/teacher conferences after school until 7:00. Friday was our Valentine party...on Friday the 13th. We have a long weekend with the Monday holiday and that makes me very happy.

I haven't worked a five-day week since December and I kind of like that. We've either been out of school for weather or I've taken a sick day every week since the start of the new year. And, they haven't been fake sick days, either. First my aunt died. Then the girls' grandmother died. Elvis had to go to the eye specialist in the big city. Elvis had to go get casted for new leg braces. The list goes on and on. It's always something.

I'm going to blog more regularly. Really, I am.


Jennifer said...

Glad to hear all is well (well, well enough).

Mongoose said...

Yeah, I was wondering what happened to you. Glad to hear you're still hangin' in there.

momma-o-minnie said...

Sheesh... and I thought you were kidnapped or something. At least you are back to "normal"???