Friday, June 5, 2009

Breaking up

Elvis' speech therapist is breaking up with him. She's worked with him since before he was a year old. It feels like she's always been there. We've followed her to 3 different clinics, driving further to see her each time, just to continue the great working relationship with her. Now, she's quitting at the current clinic and won't be taking his insurance in her private practice. I feel like I've been dumped, too. You search and search for people who will love your kids and really make them work. This almost feels like a death in the family. We've got to find a new therapist and then spend the time to build a relationship with the him/her before expecting Elvis to make any progress.

On the upside, we've been driving a long way to these therapy sessions - over 100 miles round trip each week. Hopefully we can find a super speech therapist (who takes his stinky insurance) who also happens to be in an office with a great OT and PT and who all happen to be much closer to our home. That's not asking too much, is it? **insert hysterical laughter from parents of other kids with special needs here**

In other news, we've been busy here. Alli went with us to Elvis' speech appointment yesterday and we stopped at Walmart on the way home. I'd been invited to a baby shower and needed to buy a gift. We were gone a long time but had a good afternoon. This morning Elvis and I went with Alli to her OB appointment. We got to watch her ultrasound. Alli is 34 weeks pregnant and the baby is measuring 35 weeks and the doctor said she looks good. They will take out her cerclage two weeks from today and we'll wait for nature to take its course. Now, we're off to the baby shower. It's for a girl who was a student at a day care I worked at in college. (Yes, I'm that old.) It's at the park and the family is....different. So there promises to be many funny moments from today's shower.

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