Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Life goes on

Nothing really new to report. Alli and Boy Wonder are looking for an apartment. Cori has asked to be placed elsewhere, so that's a load off my mind. (Unless she explodes, it will be weeks, more likely months, before she moves but I have to admit I feel better that she is on the path to elsewhere.) Beth continues to be a blessing.

My no-crying streak has ended but I'm not too stressed about that. I do feel better after crying. I need a release and, right now, that is what I've got. It doesn't bother Beth of Cori if I cry. They just hug me or pat me on the shoulder and move on. Alli, however, gets really angry. Darn if I'll ever know why.

I'm trying to decide what to do about Alli's adoption. The plan has always been that when she aged out of the independent living program through DCS that we'd do an adult adoption. We've already changed her last name to mine. The adoption would just make the relationship legal and entitle her to inheritance rights. She's mine, either way. I just can't decide if she want to "legalize" us. And, yes, I did ask her and she said, "That's fine." Really heartfelt, huh? Maybe that's why I'm crying again? I'd give my life to make her life easier and better and that's "fine" with her.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are going through all of this but I can't say that I'd want to leave any inheritance to a child that obviously doesn't consider you a 'real' mom! It isn't rocket science but she doesn't express compassion like she feels the same way about youas you do her, only that she hates that you are getting your feelings hurt in the mist of all that's going on in her life!

Anonymous said...

It's been painful to watch this process. I hope that you one day get the love and respect from Ali that you deserve.