Monday, July 7, 2008

Been a while

I'm still here. I've pulled up my blog several times to post but lacked anything to blog about. My heart's just not in it right now. I think I have a brain cloud. (By the way, in my opinion, that is one of the worst movies ever made!) Anyway, nothing in particular is wrong...I'm just "down." Guess I'll be making that psychiatrist appointment, after all. I was ready to do it as school ended but I've felt better over the summer. I've gone downhill emotionally lately, though, and I'm ready for some help.

The Fourth of July was a boring day. Beth was out with BFF. Alli and Boy Wonder went to his sister's house for a fish fry. That left just me and Elvis at home. He's not the best of company. Some friends and family came over to swim a bit but that was all we did. Alli and BW had been gone for about 8 hours. They ran in the house and then left 10 minutes later to go see the county fireworks. Elvis and I did nothing holiday-related.

Saturday, I went with my mom to visit her family. She's from a little town about a 2-hour drive from here. We usually only get together at Christmas but the last couple of years we have added this "birthday party" gathering. We celebrate everyone's birthday. We get a cake that says something to the effect of Happy Birthday, Everyone and everyone brings one humorous birthday card. The cards are all put in a basket and everyone draws one out. We go around the group, opening our cards and reading them to the group. I'm sure it sounds odd to you but it really was a nice afternoon and evening (other than spending a total of 4 hours in the van that day).

While I was at my uncle's house, I got a phone call from a co-worker. The 92 year old father of another co-worker had died. That took up my free time on Sunday because the visitation and the funeral were Sunday afternoon. I'm glad I went though, because there weren't many people from work there. No one got much notice as he died Saturday and the only visitation time was right before the funeral on Sunday. I think a lot of people were out of town for the holiday weekend.

Today has been a long, boring day. I was at Wal-Mart at 7:00 this morning. I went to Aldi this afternoon. I'm trying to get us fed for the week and to start gathering supplies for our beach trip. We leave Saturday morning. I've learned to do as much shopping as I can here as things are much cheaper here than at the beach.

I've got a lot more to do before we go. I need to get my hair cut and it will be a serious hair cut. I've been growing it out to donate to Locks of Love. I think it's long enough now. I hope they enjoy it because I don't plan to do it again. I'm 40 and this will be my second donation. From now on, I'll keep my hair much shorter, thankyouverymuch. Elvis needs to go with me to get his hair cut, too. Boy Wonder tried to take him today but Elvis started screaming as soon as they walked into the barber shop. Poor, BW! He just brought him home immediately. It was really all he could do. No one could have cut his hair with all that noise going on. I also need to get my van in for an oil change and a check up before driving it about 1200 miles round-trip, loaded down with a lot of people and stuff. It's not getting any younger (2001 model with 145,000 miles on it) and I fully expect it to refuse to travel with me some day. I just hope it agrees to go on this trip and behaves itself. My mom's birthday is tomorrow and I never know what to get her. She's trying to clean out her house so it's hard to come up with something she wants/needs. I usually fall back on taking her out to dinner.

Tonight, however, I'm doing nothing. I'm watching a Gilmore Girls DVD and doing some minor house cleaning. This darn brain cloud is keeping me from being more productive.

1 comment:

April said...

I love the "Everyone" birthday party idea. Did you like your card? ;-)
I've been feeling down too. I find when this happens that vigorous exercise (to the point of sweating) helps life the fuzzy brain cloud.