Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Some things never change/Girls are weird

My mood has already lightened a bit tonight (even though I should have been in bed long ago). Beth and BFF (along with Beth's bio cousin) were out and about tonight. Alli and Boy Wonder have gone to his father's. Elvis and I were home alone. He passed out and I got back on the computer instead of doing things that need to be done around the house. I'll regret that in the morning but it was a nice distraction tonight.

Anyway, Beth, BFF, and Cousin It came home (early) and went to Beth's room. Within a few minutes there was a large amount of screaming and giggling coming from her room. A few seconds later I hear furniture scraping against the wall followed by 3 teen girls stampeding from the bedroom. They'd been trying to summon The Candyman and swore he was after them.

I remember doing this as a child/teen only instead of the Candyman, we were trying to summon a witch of local legend. We even got the same results they did tonight - giggling and screaming and another goofy memory. I know some people will read this and think of demons and witchcraft but I don't think any of that applies. It's a bunch of silly girls who saw something in a movie and decided to goof around together. They could be doing something sooooo much worse. Why, exactly, someone would want to summon an unearthly being that would be coming just to kill you, I'll never know. I just know it's something we did and something kids today are still doing.

They cooked Cup Noodles and I just chased them back in the bedroom, telling them to take a picture when the Candyman shows and if they scream again and wake up Elvis, he's sleeping with them (and the Candyman) the rest of the night.

By the way, a month ago I'd have been ashamed that my kids (and I sometimes) eat Cup Noodles. However, when Alli and I saw the Sex and the City movie, we laughed out loud because Sarah Jessica Parker's character, Carrie, ate Cup Noodles in the movie. Now, instead of being artificially-flavored cardboard noodles in a styro-foam cup that will never biodegrade, they are "cool" artificially-flavored cardboard noodles in a styro-foam cup that will never biodegrade.

My family is weird, but I love them.

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