Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Over the river and through the woods...

To Grandmother's house we go...Well, to Grandmother's assisted living condo we go. (But that doesn't fit in the song, does it?) My mom, Elvis, and I are setting out on an adventure tomorrow. Keep us in your thoughts, please. We'll be driving my ancient van about 160 miles each way to visit my grandmother. We're figuring almost 3 hours in driving time each way and we are hoping to get there in time to eat lunch with her in their dining room.

I've been sitting here trying to remember exactly how old my grandmother is. How sad is it that I don't know? I do remember that her 80th birthday was before I ever started fostering. I fostered over 10 years so she has to be at least 90. YIKES! I can't even remember the last time I saw her - SHAME ON ME! She didn't come to our 4th of July this summer. She didn't feel up to the trip last Christmas, either. The summer before that, I had to leave the 4th of July party before she got there. (I had a very physically and verbally aggressive foster child at the time. I couldn't stay there and let her call my grandmother every dirty word in the Dictionary of Dirtiest Words Ever.) So, I'm guessing I last saw her Christmas of 2006. Again, SHAME ON ME!

So, we're loading up at the crack of dawn in the morning and beginning the big trip. It promises to be an adventure! Luckily, Elvis travels well. I still may lose my mind before we get home tomorrow night. Now, I need to go clean out my van before I get the world's longest lecture from my mom on the mess floating around my van. I have to admit there is quite a collection out there. I counted 3 lunchboxes the other day. (Yes, I just counted them and left them there. Welcome to my world.) Along with Elvis' wheelchair, which has to make the trip with us, he has a booster seat to be used in a chair and another booster seat to be used on the floor. (No, they don't make one for both purposes. That's how the companies make lots of money - bilking the parents of kids with special needs for every single penny.) There is also an expired car seat in the way back. Mom was going to donate it but I pointed out it was unsafe. I took it, thinking I can use it in my bathroom. It's hard to hold the very long Elvis and brush his teeth. I think I can put him in that car seat on the counter and save my back a little strain.

I think we'll risk it with just the wheelchair tomorrow. Taking out the other seats will allow room for the cooler. (My mom never goes anywhere without a cooler - LOL.) And, yes, I'm laughing now but when I'm thirsty tomorrow and Mom pulls out that icy cold Diet Cherry Pepsi, I'll be oh so glad she packed and brought the cooler.


Mongoose said...

Wow, you're so lucky! I lost my grandmothers at 5 years old and 14 years old, and my grandmother-in-law in 2005. Life hasn't been the same without her. Have a safe trip and enjoy your visit!

By the way, I like your new decor.

Jane said...

To be honest, she's my step-grandmother. But, that bio g'ma died when I was 6 and this one married my grandfather when I was 10. I definitely have more memories of her than my original g'ma on that side of the family. She's my only living grandparent at this point...a fact that I think I take for granted. I'm excited to see her tomorrow!

Carol said...

Hi, I just found your blog and want to say that I know exactly what you write about when you say you're not the real DD is a former foster child, too, and she actually still has some visits with her bio mom and that makes it even tougher!!! And I am sad that I may never be able to have a child that's "all mine"'s nice to know I'm not alone...