Sunday, January 4, 2009


My last day of winter break was a rousing success! There was a small hitch when Elvis woke up at 6:00 this morning. I had not planned on that. However, I gave him a quick breakfast and a Pediasure (chocolate, his favorite) and then we had a little snuggle time while watching his shows on Disney Channel. He was looking a little tired so we took a morning nap from 9:00 until 11:30. It felt good. I just hope I can sleep tonight.

I spent the day doing exactly what I wanted. I'd been craving McDonald's chicken nuggets so I had some. I came home and watched my marathon of Secret Life. While watching, I cleaned out the drawers in my dresser and organized some of the assorted crap that seems to live in my bedroom. When Elvis was in my part of the house and got fussy, I had Alli come get him. Today was all about least as far was I was concerned.

Beth came home from work and, after hearing about my McNuggets earlier, craved some of her own. I offered to ride along if she wanted to drive. (She'd lost her driving permit back in June - physically lost it, not had it revoked or anything.) He behavior was so erratic at the time, I didn't do anything about getting it replaced. Of course, she needed ID for work so she just got it replaced and updated Friday. This was her first time driving since June. I can't believe I let her drive in the rainy weather after dark but I did. She only scared me a couple of times. Her driving was fine, I'm just nervous when she drives. Anyway, we're home and she has her chicken nuggets. She's on the phone with Spider-Pig and I'm half watching the marathon, which is still on, and half thinking about what I need to have ready to make my morning easier. The first morning back is always a little rushed and chaotic.

Oh, and my other big new, the Chargers beat the Colts in overtime Saturday. The Colts are done for the season while "my" Titans are in the playoffs. All is right in my world...Take that, Boy Wonder!!

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